
18526 Yukon Inc. currently holds 21 projects in the Yukon Territory in various commodities, including gold, silver, zinc, tungsten and copper, collectively covering over 1000 km2.  The company also has interests in mineral properties in the western United States and maintains an active exploration presence there.  Projects range from grassroots discoveries to established deposits open to expansion and development.

Available for Option:

Existing Resources

Included in 18526 Yukon Inc.'s holdings are several desposits with resource estimates, both NI 43-101 compliant and historic (pre NI 43-101). Most of these deposits are open to expansion, highlighting the potential of the properties they occupy:

Deposit Commodities Resource (* = historic)
Risby WO3 8.5Mt @ 0.475% WO3 for 4,055,075 MTUs WO3
Venus Au, Ag, Zn, Pb *61,689t @ 10.98 g/t Au, 305 g/t Ag, 2.5% Pb and 1.5% Zn
Hopeful Ag, Sn *98,248t @ 557.8 g/t Ag for 1,761,949 oz Ag, with 0.1% Sn
Ketza Au, Ag, Pb *9000t @ 6.86 g/t Au for ~ 2000oz Au, + additional targets
Clea WO3 *257,000t @ 0.93% WO3 for 239,000 MTUs WO3
Pete Ag, Pb, Zn *12,248t @ 242.7 g/t Ag for 95,600 oz Ag, 2.8 Mlb Pb+Zn
Barite Mtn. BaSO4 *230,425t @ 97% BaSO4
Andrew Zn, Pb 10% interest in 12.56Mt @ 5.3% Zn, 0.9% Pb